"Flootz Cuz!" T-Shirt Now Available!

Hawaii Flute Society "flootz cuz!" t-shirt

Hawaii Flute Society "flootz cuz!" t-shirt

Get your own Hawaii Flute Society "flootz cuz!" t-shirt today! 100% of the proceeds will go toward the educational and artistic programming of the Hawaii Flute Society.

"flootz cuz!" is printed on a high-quality 100% cotton shirt and can be shipped directly to your home for an additional charge. Otherwise, you can pick up your shirt at our October 9 flute choir session.

This is a limited edition shirt and there will be only one printing after the online sales period ends on September 18th.

When you receive your shirt, don't forget to post a pic #flootzcuz and tag us:

Facebook: @hawaiiflutesociety
Twitter: @hawaiiflute
Instagram: @hawaiiflutesociety